Monday, 9 May 2016

Design , Project One.

In our first project for Design, we were set the task of showing 'Balance' in many forms.

Balance in art, helps to create an evocative image that draws in the viewers, keeps their interest and is pleasing.

While I wont go into descriptions of all the forms of balance that we had to show, I will label each image and hope you can follow along.

Symmetrical Balance 

Asymmetrical Balance
Balance by Shape
Balance by Value
Balance by Visual Weight/Position
Balance by Directional Lines

Balance by Texture

Radial Balance

Crystallographic/Pattern Balance 

Next we had to show balance through 'Contrast'.

High Contrast by Value (light and dark)

Low Contrast by Value

High Contrast by Hue (colour)

Low Contrast by Hue

High Contrast By Texture

Low Contrast by Texture

High Contrast by Focus (aperture)
Low Contrast by Focus

High Contrast by Scale

Low Contrast by Scale

High Contrast by Shape

Low Contrast by Shape

High Contrast by Pattern

Low Contrast by pattern